Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Value Chain Essay - 752 Words

Value Chain Analysis-Costco Corporation Brief on the Organization Costco is among the leading global retailers which provide customers a wide range of merchandise, ranging from small to well-known brands. The company began operations in 1983. Over the years, Costco has been a retailer in low cost membership-only leader, in warehouse club of merchandise. Moreover, Costco does not offer frills warehouse business models as its competitors do. Costco’s major competitors are BJ’s Wholesale Club and Sam Club (Costco, 2010). Applying the tools presented in this SSP, Costco provides a detailed analysis for transforming business operations relative to industry rivals. This is done in order to create profits and†¦show more content†¦Organizations Value Chain Analysis Value Chain analysis evaluates each step business goes through from inception to finality. The goal is to maximize the value for the total cost. Costcos mission is to provide their members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. The company’s mission, values and strategies suggest Costco uses a broad enterprise strategy which fits in the societal framework. To ensure employee motivation, Costco offers them a unique banquet of benefits. This include; paying health benefits for them, 50% higher wage, employee retention of over 90 percent, and maintaining employees even during recession periods (Costco, 2010). The Company’s strength is its primary value chains which split into two distinct functions: Demand fulfilment and Demand generation. Demand fulfilment includes input logistics, operations, and output logistics. Demand generation involves sales, marketing, and service department which breaks down into sub-tiers. Costco’s support activitie s include HRM, technology development, firm infrastructure and procurement. Costco’s weaknesses are difficult to pinpoint; one weakness is persistent low operating profit margins. Bigger profits can occur by not paying employee benefits and with demanding higher returns from their suppliers. The problem would be at what cost? Costco receives cost advantages from value adding major (brand items) activities. However, it continues to experience a challengeShow MoreRelatedThe Value Of A Value Chain1251 Words   |  6 PagesBusinesses create value by converting inputs (that is raw material, labor and overhead) into business outputs in such a way that they have a greater value than the original input cost. Manufacturing companies create value by acquiring raw materials and using them to produce something useful. Retailers bring together a range of products and present them in a way that is convenient to customers, sometimes supported by services such as fitting rooms or personal shopper advice. 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